Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three Tips on Getting Your Emails Read

Promoting your company or event through cyberspace may seem like an affordable and time efficient way to get your information out to a large group of people. No matter how well-crafted your promotional prose is, you could be wasting your time if your information is not getting read. I was offered a few pointers from a couple of trusted advisers – a.k.a. people smarter than me!

One expert source on the issue previously worked at a well-known online travel service. No need to name names. Let’s just say his previous employer had a pint-sized mascot with a flair for gardening. He referred to the criteria the company used when sending emails:

• Relevancy

• Compelling

• Timeliness

Bonus Tip!

I also received some bonus notes, if you will, from someone who has taken a couple of classes from a popular email marketing company. She suggested including the first few sentences of the email and then linking the remainder of the story to your website. That way you can review from your email management system not just who opened the email, but who was interested enough in the topic to continue reading. You might also consider giving something away – either for signing up for something, or for forwarding it on to a friend.


Kelly Hatala said...


I like the idea about giving a few sentences and linking to the rest on your site. Our site wouldn't work for this but our FB fan page would. Do you think a note on our FB fan page would work? I've seen some other business do this but wasn't sure how media perceives this.

Thanks for the great info!
Kelly w/ The Melting Pot of Arlington,TX

Jamie Brown, Consultant said...

Kelly- great question. You can certainly link to you FB page, but it depends on your audience. I typically don't include media in email blasts, but rather craft pitches to each reporter individually. If you are unable to update your content on your website you might consider creating a blog. This will allow you to provide more detail than a FB comment. Hope this helps!