Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prestige to Profit - Leveraging National Media Attention

Teresa Berg being interviewed by CBS
corespondent Steve Hartman.
Gaining national media attention is a coup for any company, but leveraging the coverage can make the event more than prestigious - it can become profitable. Jamie Brown Public Relations client Teresa Berg Photography was featured on CBS News This Morning. The upscale Dallas photography studio features portraits of homeless pups looking posh. The pictures of canines in bows and pearls capture the hearts of would-be owners and get the dogs adopted faster.

The story had tremendous impact on Berg's business. The phone rang constantly, she gained 300 more Facebook fans and for about a week she averaged more than 90 inquiries a day on her website. Additionally, she nearly sold all of the copies of her book on how to photograph dogs.

The response from people wanting to learn how to help rescue animals through photography was rapid, but responding to each individually was impossible. Our solution was to develop a webinar series. Information was placed on her website, outgoing voicemail message, blog, and Facebook page. For a small fee, those interested could attend a two hour webinar. We scheduled a day time session and an evening session. Sixty attendees signed up making the event a success!

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